Aluminium Sheets

Quality alloy
Production method
Length (mm)
Thickness (mm)
Wart height (mm)
6 products

General information about aluminium sheets

The versatile nature of aluminium sheets, including its durability, corrosion-resistance and appealing aesthetic as well as the fact that it is easily manipulated make it suitable for a wide range of applications and industries.

The resistance of aluminium to corrosion is created by an oxide layer which forms on the sheets surface when exposed to surrounding elements such as air and water. The oxide layer protects the aluminium, thereby elongating its lifecycle. Aluminium sheets therefore require low to no maintenance. Additionally, aluminium sheets are fully recyclable making them a sustainable choice of product.

How are aluminium sheets manufactured?

Aluminium sheets are commonly shaped through hot and cold rolling processes. During rolling, aluminium raw material is passed through two reversing mill plates which continuously reduce material thickness. Typically, reshaping occurs in multiple cycles which are terminated when the desired thickness is achieved.

Generally hot-rolling processes are applied first. During hot-rolling, aluminium is heated to about 500 degrees Celsius. This way a lower amount of pressure is required when reshaping the soft material.

If desired, material thickness can then be further reduced by adding subsequent cold-rolling processes.

Which industries utilise aluminium sheets in their manufacture?

Bottom plate
The anti-slip characteristics and durability of corrugated aluminium make it particularly suitable for use as a bottom plate.

Car manufacturing increasingly utilises aluminium for doors, bonnets and other body panels. Using aluminium as opposed to other materials helps with weight reduction, effectively making cars faster.

Architects often incorporate aluminium cladding in their designs to provide buildings with an elegant and modern aesthetic. The longevity and corrosion resistance of aluminium are additional benefits.

Air conditioning
Due to fire safety regulations, the cladding of air ventilation systems (incl. ventilation ducts) must be manufactured from non-flammable materials such as Aluminium.

Beverage packaging, in particular the bodies and ends of cans are manufactured from aluminium sheets.